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E-Business Suite R12.0.1 Installation

In this post I am going to demonstrate how to install EBS R12.0.1. The steps are the same for R12.1.1 as well.

VMware Virtual Machine Used Configuration:

* 1 TB Hard Disk Drive

* 8 GB RAM

* NIC set to host only

* Red Hat Linux 5 Operating System

* Oracle E-Business Suite R12.0.1

* Hostname is

* IP address is

In order to start we will be needing the following rpms:

rpm -ivh glib-* --nodeps --force

rpm -ivh libstdc* --nodeps --force

rpm -ivh libXp* --nodeps --force

rpm -ivh sysstat* --nodeps --force

rpm -ivh kernel* --nodeps --force

rpm -ivh glibc* --nodeps --force

rpm -ivh gcc* --nodeps --force

rpm -ivh libaio* --nodeps --force

rpm -ivh gnome* --nodeps --force

rpm -ivh control* --nodeps --force

rpm -ivh unixODBC* --nodeps --force

rpm -ivh libmawt* --nodeps --force

rpm -ivh libXau* --nodeps --force

rpm -ivh libxcb* --nodeps --force

rpm -ivh libX11* --nodeps --force

rpm -ivh libXext* --nodeps --force

rpm -ivh libXst* --nodeps --force

rpm -ivh libXi* --nodeps --force

rpm -ivh libXt* --nodeps --force

rpm -ivh libXp* --nodeps --force

rpm -ivh libmng* --nodeps --force

rpm -ivh qt* --nodeps --force

rpm -ivh pdksh* --nodeps --force

rpm -ivh gdm* --nodeps --force

rpm -ivh gdbm* --nodeps --force

rpm -ivh libgomp* --nodeps --force

rpm -ivh redhat* --nodeps --force

rpm -ivh util-linux* --nodeps --force

rpm -ivh gcc* --nodeps --force

rpm -ivh compat* --nodeps --force

rpm -ivh libgcc* --nodeps --force

rpm -ivh make* --nodeps --force

rpm -ivh elfutils* --nodeps --force

ldconfig -v

Additionally you will also need to perform the following task

useradd -s /sbin/nologin mockbuild

And then install the rpm

rpm -ivh mock* --nodeps --force

Apart from the above mentioned rpms you will also need to install the following rpms as the root user:




The above mentioned roms can be downloaded from

As the root user navigate to the folder containing the downloaded rpms and install them. In my case the download folder was /rpms hence I executed the following commands

cd /rpms:

rpm -ivh binutils- --nodeps --force

rpm -ivh openmotif21-2.1.30-11.EL5.i386.rpm --nodeps --force

rpm -ivh xorg-x11-libs-compat-6.8.2-1.EL. --nodeps --force

Make sure that the entries of the /etc/hosts are correct and mapped with the proper ip address for eg: localhost.localdomain localhost node1

Once the above changes have been done do a ping test to confirm that the ip are mapped properly by executing the following commands:


ping localhost

Make sure the hostname is entered correctly in the /etc/sysconfig/network. In my system it had the following entry :




If the /etc/sysconfig/networking/profiles/default/network is present then delete it using the command:

rm -rf /etc/sysconfig/networking/profiles/default/network

In the /etc/sysctl.conf make the following entries:

kernel.shmall = 4294967296

kernel.sem = 256 32000 100 142

kernel.shmni = 4096

fs.file-max = 131072

net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 10000 650003

net.core.rmem_default = 262144

net.core_rmem_max = 4194304

net.core.wmem_default = 262144

net.core_wmem_max = 4194304

In order to apply the above changes execute the command:

/sbin/sysctl -p

Next make the following entry in the /etc/security/limits.conf

* hard nofile 65535

* soft nofile 4096

* hard nproc 16384

* soft nproc 2047

In the /etc/resolv.conf add the following entries (do not remove the existing ones):

options attempts:5

options timeout:15

No download from oracle support and extract it. In my case it was in the /patches and upon extraction it got extracted in /patchess/6078836. It created the following to files:

README.txt and

Do the following step to apply the patch:

cp /pathces/ /usr/lib

cp /pathces/ /usr/lib64

Create the necessary links:

ln -s /usr/X11R6/lib/ /usr/lib/

unlink /usr/lib64/

ln -s /usr/X11R6/lib/ /usr/lib64/

The port number 6000 is used by the OPMN of the Application Server. Ensure that it's free by executing the command:

netstat -a | grep 6000

If the above command returns nothing then it means that the port is free

Next create the necessary directories. We will extract the files in /stage and the base directory is going to be /u01/oracle

mkdir -p /stage

mkdir -p /u01/oracle

Create the user and groups to perform the installation. Here a single user named oracle will be the owner of both the database home and the applications server home.

groupadd oinstall

useradd -g oinstall oracle

passwd oracle

Grant the necessary permissions.

chown -R oracle:oinstall /u01

Here I have downloaded all the necessary files from oracle support and stored them in the /stage folder. We will extract them using the following command:

cd /stage

unzip \*.zip

This should successfully extract 54 archives.

Now start the installation process:

cd /startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz


The Welcome screen will launch:

Next it will prompt you for the type of installation you wish to perform. Here we are not opting for Express Installation so we will leave the option unchecked:

In the next step it will ask for oracle support username and password. We will leave this blank.

Then it will prompt which type of configuration is this. Here we are performing the installation for the first time and hence we will go with the new configuration option. Had this been a 2-tier installation and we had already installed the database stack in a machine then we would have to point to that configuration file in order to perform installation of the application server.

It will prompt you with the option to change the default port number in the next screen. In case the default ports are in use you can select a numeric value here and it will be added to the current port number:

Next it will prompt you for the database node details. Be careful about changing the default username and password. In our case the username will be oracle and the password will be whatever you provided at the time of creating the user:

Then it will ask the details of the promary application node. Here also remember to change the default username and password to oracle:

Now it will allow the option of adding additional secondary application server. In case you want seperate dedicated servers for the form services or concurrent services you can click on the "Add Server" button and specify them. Here we are not going to do so.

It will then perform a pre-requisite check which might take some time:

If everything has passed it will give a screen as follows, if not you will have to fix the issues and retry:

It will give you a summary screen:

Then you will get a pop up screen asking for confirmation:

Then the installation process will start:

After the installation succeeds then you can access the homepage using the URL:


In our case it will be

Use the username sysadmin and password sysadmin to login:

You have successfully installed EBS R12.1 !!!

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